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Whole Woman

Embrace Your Shadow.
Embody Your Light.
Reclaim Your Queendom in Love.


Imagine if Every Woman...

Truly loved her body.
Honestly claimed her worth.
Loved herself with every ounce of her being.
Fully felt alllll of her feelings.
Completely trusted her intuition.
Courageously expressed her uniqueness.
Reclaimed her sensual innocence.
Gave herself permission to SHINE.
Believed that she was enough.
Knew that she was whole.
Genuinely felt safe.
Forgave her father and mother, her sisters and brothers, all of her past lovers, and finally forgave herself.
Set herself free.

Imagine what would happen!

And Yet...

How often do we play small? Try to be someone we’re not? Pretend to want a lot less than what truly sets our soul on fire? Say yes when we really mean no? Act ashamed of how much we yearn and how deeply we feel? Compromise for a lot less than we desire and deserve? Cling to relationships and careers and labels that don’t actually honor our tremendous self worth? Give our power away by making someone or something outside of us responsible for our happiness, wholeness, and security? Struggle to see our own beauty, our own perfection, and pick ourselves apart instead of celebrating and enjoying ourselves as ENOUGH?

Woman… we deserve better than this insanity!
The problem is that so many of us have forgotten.

The Key is in Remembering...

That when we feel

When we fear that our
creative waters have run dry
that we are alone
or that no one can possibly love us the way we need to be loved…

When we doubt
who we are and why we came here
and whether we are worthy or enough…

There is a self within, crying out for our own Love. A fragment of our being dying for our deeper embrace. Like a lost child searching for her mother, there is a part of us begging to come home.

When we discover, reclaim, and nurture these forgotten, dismembered, and neglected aspects of ourselves, we become whole again. We realize the whole purpose. We return to the power that has always been ours. We no longer give our Gold away to unworthy causes, because we finally remember ourselves as the only One we’ve ever actually been after in the beginning, middle, or end.

We remember that we are the ones we’ve been waiting for, all along.

Your Invitation

Whole Woman is your full bodied invitation to reclaim your true Power by loving yourself like you have never been loved before.

This journey is not about perfection. It is about wholeness, in all of its wild messy facets, re-discovering the uniquely exquisite diamonds that have always been yours for the taking. The diamonds that lay hidden in your darkest spaces, revealing themselves when you choose to embrace all parts of you.

Over the course of nine weeks together, we journey through the collective feminine archetypes to weave back together every single aspect of ourselves. Each of these archetypes is filled with myths, mysteries, and mirrors that guide us into deeper intimacy with our unique purpose, authentic empowerment, and highest truth.

To keep you motivated and inspired you’ll receive daily emails with embodiment practices, questions for self reflection, and so much more. Held in our safe circle of women through our private Facebook group, you receive the support of our powerful collective sisterhood. Together we remember that we are never alone even in the strangest of experiences, and together we invite each other home to Love.

In a world where so many of us have been conditioned to forget our true nature, to deny our deepest impulses, and to doubt our heart’s yearning, this is life-changing world-shaking revolutionary work.

How it Works

Over our nine week course we explore our deepest selves on three core levels…

Collective Feminine Myths
Where have we come from and how did we get here? As women there are many myths woven into the stories we’ve been told from the time we were children that shape the way we relate to ourselves, our bodies, one another, and our world. Some are obvious. Some are extremely subtle and sneaky. By bringing our awareness into the stories that have confused us away from our true innocent wildness, we gift ourselves the ability to choose what feels true now.

Personal/Ancestral Stories
Individually we each carry raw material for transformation passed into us through our DNA. The history of our ancestors, what we encountered in the womb, and our lifetime experiences, exist within us on a cellular level. They offer a profound opportunity to discover what we really came here to learn, heal, and share with the world in this lifetime. The key is in remembering that our greatest challenges and wounds are actually our gateways into our greatest gifts for ourselves and the world.

Wisdom of the Goddesses
As we navigate the at times murky terrain of our subconscious and unconscious selves, we shine light in these dark spaces with the wisdom of our Goddess selves. This is the aspect of our consciousness that remembers us as Divine. Light. Perfection. This truth does not take away the beauty of our Humanity, rather, it enhances it. In the light of unconditional love we see the sacredness of our journey and embrace our challenges with less drama and more purposeful trust.

What’s Included

Weekly audio lessons filled with crack your mind and heart wide open wisdom. Includes deep reflections on women’s mysteries hidden within fairytales, mythology from all different religions, and my personal stories and insights through my own self reflections.

Daily contemplations and embodiment practices delivered to you by email to give you real, grounded, practical gateways for taking this wisdom into your daily life. Examples include dance meditations, journaling prompts, mirror work, ceremonies, shamanic rituals, and many magical surprises.

Weekly meditations and vision quests for accessing your subconscious mind and opening into higher states of knowing and awareness. Healing happens not only through cognitive understanding, it also happens on the cellular and energetic level. These practices support you in shifting energy that brings so much more ease and clarity into your experience, beyond the mind.

Weekly Goddess archetypes for your mentorship journey. Guided practices and tools for working with different Divine Feminine archetypes who deeply embody our weekly themes. Examples include Durga Ma the fierce warrior protectress, Inanna the Queen of the Underworld, Mary Magdalene the True Human Being, Sara la Kali the Queen of the Outsiders, and many many more!

Unlimited access to our private Facebook community with other women exploring these same deep spaces within themselves. The ability to connect and be seen by others who understand, let your challenges and triumphs be heard and celebrated, and receive compassionate feedback when you need it. Community is everything.

Weekly Women’s Wisdom Group Circle Calls. Every week we gather for a live call where we amplify the energy of our individual healing, share in sacred ceremony, and you can ask questions and offer YOUR deep profound healing insights.

Our Sacred Journey


Week One: The Body

* Get to know your body as your most powerful ally and gateway into pleasure and presence *

* Develop an intimacy and a dialogue with your body, to receive and de-code the messages that come through pain, illness, injury, and chronic conditions *

* Reclaim the magic of your moon blood and remember the ancient rituals of your shamanic ancestors in honoring menstruation cycles *

* Unravel body shame stories, embrace the beauty of your physicality, your breasts, your sexual organs, and heal beliefs about being too-fat and too-thin *

* More deeply enjoy being human and alive *


Week Two: The Daughter

* Re-awaken the magic of your inner child as the sacred guardian of your dreams, fantasies, and innocent joy *

* Heal through the memories and stories of your childhood that shaped your adult perceptions around what’s appropriate and possible *

* Uncover your potential sabotage strategies created to help you feel safe, received, loved and “good enough,” *

* Embrace the TRUE virgin, a woman whole unto herself, and the purity that can never ever be lost to anyone or anything *


Week Three: The Sister

* Look into the mirrors of other women as pathways to understanding your own insecurities, fears, and desires *

* Give yourself more permission to celebrate who you are through learning to celebrate your sisters for who they are - especially the ones who trigger jealousy! *

* Heal the “mean girl” wounds of childhood through nurturing any parts of you that feel “different,” “other,” “weird,” and “not good enough” *

* Take ownership of your boundaries to authentically relate with other women and open your heart to genuine friendships and community *


Week Four: The Lover

* Get to know your “attraction sphere” and what determines who you seem to attract into your life at any given time *

* Embrace the mirror that is always offered by your lovers to show you what has yet to be fully seen and loved within yourself *

* Honor your worthiness and take radical self responsibility to safely allow your innocent light to blossom open into love *

* Romance yourself as the beloved and imprint your cells with the memory of how you deserve to be treated and touched *

* Hold yourself in TRUE LOVE as a Presence that never ever leaves *


Week Five: The Mother Warrior

* Get to know your voice of discernment, by deeply understanding what YES and NO feel like in your body and anchoring the devotion to listen *

* Trust in the power of your emotions and allow the energy of anger, sadness, fear, joy, and excitement, to be your greatest transformers and allies *

* Mother your creations by managing your life force energy, and knowing when to initiate, when to rest, when to sustain, and when to release *

* Mother yourself through cultivating deep self presence and attunement *


Week Six: The Queen

* Magnetize abundance and prosperity into your life by getting to know your own Dharma and trusting it *

* Enhance your sense of self worth and be radically honest about the ways you’ve given yourself away *

* Unravel your money story and heal your judgements and limiting beliefs around wealth and what it takes to thrive materially *

* Practice true feminine leadership, by aligning with the flow of life and the love that wants to blossom through you *

* Hold yourself in the highest light of what you most deserve *

* Get honest with your relationship with receptivity, and learn to allow greater pleasure into your life *


Week Seven: The Priestess

* Dive into the great mysteries of tantra, Mary Magdalene, and sacred womb wisdom as portals to creating Heaven on Earth *

* Understand how the ancient priestess practices may have unconsciously influenced your relationships with past and present lovers *

* Learn how to weave back into harmony your sexual energy with your heart energy, and to realize the innocence of your sensual expressions and desires *

* Realize the greatest potential of your sexual relationships as gateways to your deepest healing and growth *


Week Eight: The Wise Woman

* Access a clear connection with your intuition and the ability to assess what’s for your highest good *

* Reclaim the power of ceremony and your ability to be a creator of your reality through healing, clearing, releasing, and manifesting on the Soul plane *

* Face your fears around aging, death, and no longer being youthful and vibrant to embrace deterioration as an essential aspect of the cycle of life *

* Become a true midwife for your own deaths and rebirths, by allowing your own endings and trusting in the great void of the unknown *


Week Nine: The Soul

* Cultivate a deeper connection and presence with your own inner light *

* Tap into the spaciousness of Bliss and your ability to exist beyond suffering *

* Re-member the light of Divinity that has never left you, can never leave you, and is always available with devoted presence *

* Deepen your relationship with the etheric realms, with your spirit guides, with energies that exist beyond physical space and place *

*INTIMATELY get to know the voice of your own soul, as the true Beloved who is always always here to support, love, hold and guide you *

Whole Woman is For You if...

You want to authentically LOVE yourself at a very, very deep level.

You are tired of attracting the same relationships, challenges, and patterns into your life over and over again, no matter how many books you read or how much “self work” you do.

You are ready to transform ALL of your relationships through embracing your own shadows and no longer projecting them out onto others.

You want to feel truly empowered at a core level.

You would love to free yourself from worrying about what other people think of you by accessing a depth of genuine self acceptance beyond what you’ve ever experienced before.

You’re ready to learn your BOUNDARIES, to know and own your YES and your NO, and to free yourself from making decisions out of guilt, shame, self sacrifice, and people pleasing.

Your deepest desire is to truly come home to your essence, to know your greatness, to accept your purpose in life, and to live as fully, freely, and open heartedly as you so deserve.

You want to feel safe, relaxed, present, and at home in your body, your sexuality, your self expression, your life choices, your relationships, and in your work in the world.

About Your Guide


Aloha beautiful, my name is Camille. Like you, I’m a human being, a body of flesh, a daughter of this Earth, a sister to many, a lover of this life, a mother of creations, a Queen of my own domain, a priestess of a new World, a woman of wisdom, and a special unique Soul. Like you, I am far too much to ever name.

Working with many women over the years through my retreats, women’s circles, and online mentorship, I noticed similar patterns that seemed to influence our ability to truly live out our full potential in this lifetime: distrust of our intuition, guilt and people pleasing, self sacrifice and desperation, hatred of our own bodies, fear of being alone, needing to be validated, insecure of our own unique voices, and on and on. I kept asking myself “why” and this question brought me deep into the roots of my own sacred wounding, the wounding of my ancestors, and the collective feminine mysteries and stories that have been hidden from us for ages.

On that journey I have deeply explored and embodied the many archetypes that stalk the feminine unconscious. The self sacrificing daughter. The devoted wife who died in honor. The Queen who was stripped of her crown. The abandoned orphan child. The witch burned at the stake. The artful huntress who lost herself. The brave goddess who embraced her shadow. The sensual mother who birthed her beloved back to life. The divine priestess who discovered her true purpose. And so many stories of women who lost themselves in the darkness and found a way home to their inner light.

I came to understand that all of these archetypes are reflections of our endlessly multi-faceted selves, and that it is through becoming intimate with them, receiving their wisdom, and reclaiming their power as our own, that we return to our inherent wholeness and authentic self worth.

I believe that through this sacred self reclaiming, all women have the ability to love themselves more than they ever imagined possible in this lifetime, to attract relationships and opportunities that truly honor them, and to abundantly prosper and thrive without compromise.

Benefits of This Sacred Work

Experience a deeper level of self love, authenticity, safety, and fulfillment than you ever imagined possible.

Become liberated from worrying what others think of you because you have come to accept yourself, your light and your darkness, at your absolute core.

Fully OWN your right to say no with authentic graciousness, and invest your time and energy into what actually lights you up.

Improve the quality of ALL of your relationships through embracing your own shadows and knowing what not to take personally.

Call in more aligned friendships, opportunities, and romance by holding yourself in a much higher state of self worth than ever before.

Stop playing small and expand into your greatness by no longer being afraid of your own power.

Choose freely with assuredness and sovereignty by transmuting the energies that have undermined and confused you for lifetimes.

Liberate yourself from self doubt by trusting in your deepest inner truth and intuition, and being willing to make mistakes, learn, grow, and evolve.

Let go of what may be limiting your evolution so you can make quantum leaps in living in much greater alignment with your heart’s deepest desires.

Heal back in time and into the future, through your ancestral lines, your mother, your grandmothers, your sisters, your brothers, your past present and future lovers, your children, and this whole world, through loving your own heart first.

Become an essential part of a revolutionary movement of women rebirthing themselves through the POWER of their own LOVE.

Are You Ready?


It’s time to radically elevate your sense of self worth, self love, self respect, self honor, and self security.

This is your powerful opportunity to heal at the deepest level and open yourself up to…

Attract and maintain the relationships you truly deserve
Trust your intuitive guidance and follow it
Live in an environment that actually nourishes your soul
Set healthy boundaries that respect your energy and innocence
Receive the prosperity that enables you to thrive
Show up and claim your most fulfilling life’s purpose
Radiate and SHINE for the sake of our World


Q: What’s the time commitment?
A: Whole Woman is designed to be flexible with your schedule, and to support your life as it already is. This content intends to bring more clarity, depth, and purpose to everything that you do in your everyday life. Each week (9 weeks total) you’ll receive an audio contemplation that you can download and listen to offline when you’re driving in the car, taking a walk, cooking yourself dinner, or sitting outside in nature. The weekly meditation you can make into your morning practice and our daily embodiment rituals gift you the precious self care space that we all deserve. Every week we have a live group call, which will be shared and recorded so you can always revisit if you can’t attend. It’s important to note that you needn’t do it all perfectly to get results, often just by making the energetic commitment opens a container where magic can unfold. You are welcome to show up as you are.

Q: When are the live group calls?
A: Our live calls will take place on Saturdays (at the end of each week) at 10am PST (LA), 1pm EST (NY), 7pm CET (Paris). This time slot is subject to change depending on the time zones of those who register, to best accommodate the whole group, and may vary to allow space for everyone to join at least some of the calls. All of our calls will be recorded so you have the option to watch later in case you can’t join live, and you can ask questions in advance to make sure that they are answered on call.

Q: Do I have unlimited access to materials after the course ends?
A: YES! Materials are delivered to you by email, so you have access forever and can also download to your devices if you like (I personally use Dropbox for my storage).

Q: Are there alternative payment plans?
A: If you need to work out a different payment plan than what’s provided, message me privately and I’ll do my best to accommodate you <3

Q: Will you offer Whole Woman in the future?
A: As of now, this is the only time we have Whole Woman on the calendar. If you are feeling called, I recommend signing up now.

Q: When is the sign up deadline?
A: Last day to sign up is April 15th, 2019. I recommend signing up ASAP to give yourself more time and energetic space to prepare for our deep dive, connect with our tribe of women in the Facebook group, and create space in your schedule.

Still have questions? Contact me at