In Honor of the Wild
Within Every Woman
This is where we arrive
to remember
who we really are.
This is where we arrive
to remember
who we really are.
I may not know where you come from, what you’ve survived, or who you are destined to become…
…but I do know that you deserve to dance. To lay bare naked on the Earth and to sob every weight you have ever carried. To take a deeper breath and savor it. To scream your unspoken rage to the sea and to let her water wash you clean. To whisper your secrets to the stars. To pray to your soul and to listen to your wisdom. To unabashedly sing your heart’s song. To bask in the forgiving light of the sun and to know that you are held. To make love in the moonlight. To joyfully birth and mother your creations. To be seen and heard. To feel your humanity. To know that you are loved.
I know that like me, like all of us, you are worthy.
And you deserve your precious whole hearted right to life.
Walking this path as a woman with eyes wide open, fully feeling it all, saying yes to life, can be tremendously terrifying, heartbreaking, confusing, and even in moments very very lonely. At other times it is profoundly beautiful, shatteringly magical, and whole heartedly fulfilling. It can be paradoxically wonderfully horrific and requires a lot of heart and a lot of breath.
It is my gift, honor, and service to provide community, support, and sisterhood for women on this wild path of awakening and to be a voice that reminds others of our lost, forgotten songs. Life is a mystery school, and we each came here to discover our own authentic way to truth.
Earth Daughters
Join my free women’s community Earth Daughters, a sacred sisterhood of women here to reclaim all parts of ourselves as holy, to reawaken to the ecstasy of life, and to re-member our divine role as channels uniting Heaven and Earth.
Whole Woman
Registration Open for January 2021
Over nine months we dive deep into the nine key archetypes of a woman (Body, Daughter, Sister, Lover, Mother, Queen, Priestess, Wise Woman, Soul) as gateways to accessing our hidden powers and more fully embodying the dynamic nature that we are. This is a POWERFUL opportunity to dramatically up-level every aspect of your life.
Women’s Retreats
Bali Spring 2021
Greece Summer 2021
Join us for our live immersions in some of the most stunningly beautiful and soulfully activated places on Earth, to awaken the voice of your womb, melt open your heart, and remember the truth of your divinity within your flesh and bones.
Awakening Aprodite
Anytime in Your Space
Dive deep into your physical body through pleasure and self love, unravel beliefs around your spirituality and sexuality, summon the inner Virgin and inner Whore, claim your self sovereignty in relationships, heal the Lover and Beloved within, and birth your Heaven on Earth in our 28 day online self love devotional.
Soulful Articles and Poetry
Everything that you feel is valid and everything that you are is holy. I’m honored to share my stories, insights, and wisdom as reminders and permission slips for every woman to more fully celebrate the magic that she has always been.
This American Girl
The blog that began it all. In 2012 I began an experiment, leaving behind the western world to live in the wild jungle of Costa Rica and share my stories through words and photos. This “experiment” led me to travel all over the world in search of beauty, magic, love, and truth and eventually reach millions of people with my work. I ended the blog in 2018, but you can still read it here.
When women remember the truth of their nature and reclaim all that they are as sacred and whole, our world returns to love. We are here to remember.
Join my sacred sisterhood Earth Daughters to dive deeper into the wise ways of the sacred feminine.
Stories, insights, discoveries, and words of love for the soulful woman who feels it all.